Legal Services
IFC METROPOL offers a full suite of legal services for the
support of asset transactions, real estate market operations,
corporate activities (business restructuring, mergers,
acquisitions, withdrawals from businesses), bankruptcy proceedings
and the resolution of disputes. These include:
- corporate law counselling;
- legal analysis and legal structuring of transactions of
enterprises’ assets acquisition, mergers and acquisitions;
- legal opinions on issues of recourse and the tendering for
mining rights;
- legal support for investment projects;
- preparation of documents for appea-ling to antimonopoly bodies
and acquiring necessary permissions consensus for statuary
- legal support for securities transactions;
- services of Patent Attorney on trademarks (representation of
legal entities and natural persons before the Federal service on
intellectual property, patents and trademarks (Rospatent) and
organizations — members of the unified state patent service);
- general legal consulting to clients and legal expertise;
- legal support for on-line trading;
- legal representation in courts, arbitration tribunals,
referee’s courts, monetary exchanges and self-regulatory
- legal opinions on the questions of resistance to money
laundering and terrorism funding;
- general legal consulting to clients (including working base and
internal documents elaboration), particularly in the filed of
financial reporting to authorized state agencies and organizations
(FFMS, NAUFOR, Bank of Russia etc.)
- patent attorney services (representing persons and legal
entities in the Federal service for intellectual property, patents
and trademarks of Russian Federation (Rospatent) and organizations
of the Uniform state patent service for trademarks issues).
Legal Department
Tel.: (495) 933-3317