September 24, 2007
The delegation from МЕТROPOL GROUP headed by M.V. Slipenchuk has successfully presented projects of the Group in the context of work of VI International investment forum "Sochi-2007"
The largest economic Forum of Russia "Sochi-2007" has finished
its work. МЕТROPOL GROUP has took active participation both in the
exhibit and in the business aspect of work of the Forum. Besides
its own stand where the companies entering into МЕТROPOL GROUP have
been presented, its investment projects have been presented at the
booths of the exhibitions «Investment fund of the Russian
Federation» and «Regional projects».
On September 21, V.V. Putin, President of Russia, S.V.Ivanov,
acting vice-premier of the Government of the Russian Federation,
G.O.Gref, acting Minister of economic development and trade, other
officials visited the booth of the Investment project «Complex
development of Transbaikalia». In the course of communication with
V.V.Nagovitsyn, the President of Republic Buryatiya,
M.V.Slipenchuk, Head of МЕТROPOL GROUP, O.V.Mihajlenko, General
Director of "Corporation for development of Transbaikalia», they
took a look the project with interest.
Also on September 21, M.V.Slipenchuk and V.A.Dmitriev, Chairman of
the state corporation "Bank for development and foreign economic
activity (Vnesheconombank)" signed the Memorandum for interaction
in realisation of the field development project and industrial
construction works in the Republic of Buryatiya and Chita region at
the project booth «Complex development of Transbaikalia». Besides,
during work days of the Forum, negotiations between
M.V.Slipenchuk and V.V.Nagovitsyn, the President of Republic
Buryatiya have been carried on at the booth. The project
booth was visited also by V.I.Yakunin, President of OAO "Russian
At an exhibition «Investment fund of the Russian Federation» the
project «Bakcharskaya steel» - the joint project of МЕТROPOL GROUP
and Administration of Tomsk REGION has been presented. The present
project provides for development on a principle of state-private
partnership of a transport and power infrastructure of Bakcharsky
iron-core deposit.
Exposition of MBC Corporation was presented at the Republic
Buryatiya stand during exhibition «Regional projects» which
was visited by S.V.Ivanov, acting vice-premier of the Government of
the Russian Federation and G.O.Gref, acting Minister of economic
development and trade.
МЕТROPOL GROUP participated in the work of the stand of Republic
Sakhas (Yakutia) where investment project for development of
the region industrial base in which МЕТROPOL GROUP and company
"Polyus-Zoloto" act as founders has been presented.
Summing up the Forum, strengthening of the role of state-private
partnership in the Russian economy can be noted. V.V. Putin, The
President of the Russian Federation noticed, that both the state
and investors should gain benefit and reminded, that in order to
stimulate private investors in Russia, so-called institutes of
development have been already established. "I mean Investment Fund
and Development Bank. Only this year 300 billion roubles have
invested in them. We have provided the mechanism according to which
these funds will be annually replenished under condition of their
effective utilisation", - he told.
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