May 12, 2009
METROPOL Group of Companies delegation headed by M. V. Slipenchuk took part in a business forum held within the frameworks of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin’s official visit to Japan
A Russian-Japanese Business Forum was held in Tokyo on May 12
within the frameworks of an official visit by the Chairman of the
Government of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin. The event,
which was organized jointly by the Russian Union of Industrialists
and Entrepreneurs and the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren),
was attended by more than 500 representative of Russian and
Japanese business groups.
Within the Forum’s frameworks, METROPOL Group signed two documents
on cooperation with Japanese companies. A Cooperation
Agreement on adopting Japanese technologies to energy conservation
and the environment was concluded with Japan’s Nikken Sekkei.
A separate Agreement was signed with SBI Holdings on creating a
joint fund management company for Russian securities
M. V. Slipenchuk also held negotiations with representatives of
several leading Japanese companies, including the Marubeni
Corporation, Mitsui & Co., and the Sojitz Corporation.
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