A Brief Timeline
- December: Supported by the Fund of Development
of Fighting Arts and by the Federation of Kyokusin-kan karate-do in
Russia, on December, 17–19 in Podolsk there took place an Open
International Tournament «Cup of Nations». The strongest fighters
from twelve countries participated in the competition, but the
Russian sportsmen perfectly showed their worth, having won in all
the weight categories.
The affiliated company IFC «METROPOL» won the auction for the right
to use mineral resources of the deposit Nazarovsky in the Republic
of Buryatiya with a view of prospecting and mining of gold —
sulphide — zincian ores.
The General Director of the IFC «METROPOL» M.V. Slipenchuk
became member of the Committee on audit of the JSC «Rostelecom».
The Committee shall be directly responsible for control over
independent auditor’s activities, financial accountability of the
company and compliance with the relevant law regulations of the
Russian Federation.
- November: At the largest in the territory of
Russia and CIS countries International Business — Forum «Global
CRM», devoted to management technologies of mutual relations with
clients, the IFC «METROPOL» received the Diploma «Best consulting
project of the year» at the tender of projects introducing CRM
The IFC «METROPOL» has assisted in reviving the two temples in
Buryatiya. Financial assistance was made to the construction of the
orthodox church in the village of Sosnovo-Ozersk and to restoration
of the Buddhistic temple in the region of Eravninsky of the
Republic of Buryatiya.
- October: The All-Russian men open Kyokushinkan
Karate-do tournament, “The Federation Cup,” was held in Krasnodar
through support from IFC METROPOL, Commercial Bank “OBIBANK”, POWER
INTERNATIONAL and other partners. At the same time Russian athletes
from the Kyokushinkan Karate-do Federation, who won the
international competition in the Republic of South Africa, were
welcomed in Moscow.
- September: A company, representing the
interests of IFC METROPOL, won the auction for the development of
Kholodnenskoye, Russia’s major zinc and lead deposit. The winning
was secured by the plans to develop industry-related businesses of
the Group.
The Central Dodze (training hall) of Russia’s Kyokushinkan
Karate-do Federation was opened in Moscow through the efforts of
IFC METROPOL. It is one of the largest halls for Kyokushinkan
Karate trainings. Today there are as many as 12 million
Kyokushinkan followers in the world. The Kyokushinkan Karate-do
Federation in Russia is headed by IFC METROPOL General Director
Mikhail Slipenchuk.
- August: Crown Corporation Ltd. appointed IFC
METROPOL financial adviser in Russia. IFC METROPOL will provide
market-related consultations and assist the company with
acquisitions and sale of businesses and assets.
Investment units offered by the METROPOL asset management company
were included in the MICEX unlisted stock providing investors with
a more simplified scheme to buy and sell units at the
- July: The Q2 results earned IFC METROPOL the
5th place among RTS classical market’s operators. The company’s
transactions amounted to $179,98 mn.
ООО Commercial bank "OBIBANK" paid off in advance the bonds
convertible in OAO Rostelecom shares. OBIBANK’s bond issue was the
first such financial instrument offered by a Russian company. IFC
METROPOL acted as a lead manager, adviser and underwriter for the
- June: OAO Rostelecom shareholders elected a
new Board of Directors at the annual general meeting. IFC METROPOL
General Director Mikhail Slipenchuk was reelected to the Board for
the third time. He represents minority shareholders’
A press conference was held in Ulan-Ude to mark the opening of
Tekhprominvest, IFC METROPOL’s subsidiary, in Buryatia. Earlier
Tekhprominvest won the tender for the mining of this reserve, which
is important for the company to further develop the battery
holding. The license for the mining of the Ozernoye polymetallic
deposit signed by the Natural Resource Ministry and the Republic of
Buryatia was to be finalized.
- May: The Kyokushinkan Karate-do Federation
held a number of events in late May to promote this kind of sport.
The Federation, headed by IFC METROPOL General Director Mikhail
Slipenchuk, was created with the company’s assistance. On May 23
the Federation’s Youth Open Team Cup was held, on May 28-29 the
men’s Kyokushinkan Karate-do Open International Competition took
In May the company officially announced the opening of its office
in Japan to facilitate cooperation between Russian and Japanese
business communities and promote Russian investment opportunities
among international investors.
- April: The METROPOL asset management company
announced the lowering to Rub 3000 of the minimum requirement for
private investors of the Golden Fleece Fund and the Athena Fund.
The company provided a greater number of investors with facilities
to earn money with the help of high-yielding financial
IFC METROPOL reaffirmed its standing among the leading investment
companies. Based on the April results, the company retained the 5th
place in terms of RTS trading volume.
- March: Another acknowledgement by business
community: IFC METROPOL General Director Mikhail Slipenchuk was
elected to the Executive Committee of the Moscow International
Business Association (MIBA) at its annual meeting.
- February: New testimony of IFC METROPOL
achievements. Following the January results the company was rated
the 5th in terms of RTS trading volume. NAUFOR placed the METROPOL
management company among the five major management companies.
- January: On 29th Januart IFC Metropol becomes
a member of National Securities Market Association.