A Brief Timeline
- IFC METROPOL sponsored V International Conference “Russian
financial market 2009-2010: REPO and Securities Lending”
- Mikhail Slipenchuk participated in signing the Memorandum of
Cooperation between the Eurasian Business Council and the Customs
Union Commission
- Chairman of the Vietnam Cooperation Business Council Mikhail
Slipenchuk participated in signing the agreement with
Vietnam-Russian joint bank (VRB)
- METROPOL Group sponsored IX International Youth Athletic
Wrestling Festival devoted to the sixty eight anniversary of the
crushing defeat of German fascist army near Moscow
- Head of METROPOL Group, PhD in Geography Mikhail Slipenchuk
gave a lecture “Expedition “Mirs” on Baikal”” in Lomonosov Moscow
State University
- The National Rating Agency confirmed the individual reliability
rating of IFC METROPOL at AAA level (maximum reliability)
- IFC METROPOL together with SBI Securities (Japan) started to
provide the on-line trading services with the Russian shares on the
MICEX for Japanese individual investors
- Mikhail Slipenchuk, METROPOL Group and MBC Corporation got
Diplomas for contribution in realization of the UN “Plant for the
Planet: Billion Tree Campaign” on the Presidium session of the UN
Environment Program (UNEP)
- METROPOL Group of companies delegation headed by M. Slipenchuk
is taking part in the first Chinese exhibition of international
investments “China Overseas Investment Fair”
- METROPOL Development presented the Saint Marko Island project
and got two honorable FREI diplomas: one for the most extraordinary
project harmonization with the natural surrounding and one for the
most extraordinary project presentation
- The presentation of venture fund “Russian accumulator of ideas”
was held within the VIII Forum of intellectual property of Eastern
district of Moscow
- Chairman of the Board of Eurasian Business Council Mikhail
Slipenchuk took part in the business events coincided with the
twenty forth meeting of the Intergovernmental Eurasian Business
Council at the highest level
- Mikhail Slipenchuk, the Chairman of Board of Trustees of the
Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal, took part in the extraordinary
congress of The Russian Geographical Society
- Major stripping work begins at the Ozernoye lead and zinc
- METROPOL Group of companies delegation headed by M. V.
Slipenchuk takes part in the Moscow Invest 2009 Twelfth
International Investment Forum
- The National Rating Agency confirms METROPOL Asset Management’s
reliability rating at AA (very high reliability, level two)
- IFC METROPOL helps underwrite the issue of Southern
Telecommunications Company JSC bonds
- Russian Accumulator of Ideas Venture Fund representatives take
part in the Rusnanotech’09 Second International Nanotechnology
- METROPOL Group of companies and the Under the Star of Hope
Charitable Foundation co-sponsor the Special Cars for Special
Children Benefit Car Rally
- The second issue of METROPOL Group of company’s corporate
magazine, MetroFan, is released
- IFC METROPOL Director General Mikhail Viktorovich Slipenchuk
once again joined the ranks of the best senior executives in Russia
in a survey compiled by the Russian Managers Association and the
Kommersant newspaper
- METROPOL Group of companies served as the Silver Sponsor of the
8th International Investment Forum “Sochi – 2009”
- Head of METROPOL Group of companies and Chairman of the Board
of Eurasian Business Council Mikhail. V. Slipenchuk took part in
the Customs Union – EurAsEC Integration Breakthrough Investment
- President of Cruiser Varyag Charitable Foundation M. V.
Slipenchuk took part in the grand opening of the Cruiser Varyag –
Discovery of a Relic exhibition
- IFC METROPOL Deputy Director General on Public and Corporate
Relations M. Yu. Borzin took part in the Young Entrepreneurs
International Business Forum, held in Omsk
- Acting on behalf of the company, Head of METROPOL Group of
companies M. V. Slipenchuk donated the collection of rare
automobiles from the museum of the Moskvich car factory to the City
of Moscow
- Head of METROPOL Group of companies M. V. Slipenchuk paid a
working visit to the Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye deposits
- METROPOL Group of companies presented the Baikal Harbor
(Baikalskaya Gavan) Special Economic Tourism and Recreation Zone
project to the Russian Management Hotel company (the ACCOR
- The Chairman of the Government V. V. Putin made a deep
submersion on board of the manned submersible Mir-1 within the
frameworks of the “Mir” on Baikal expedition”
- METROPOL Group of companies and Fund for Protection of Lake
Baikal provided organizational and financial support for the
expedition that is being staged by the Geography Faculty of M. V.
Lomonosov Moscow State University in Northern Baikal
- “The Role of Siberia and the Far East in Global Development”
International Economic Conference was staged in Ulan-Ude within the
frameworks of the Baikal Economic Forum. IFC METROPOL and MBC
Corporation served as general sponsors of the event. During
the conference, the Government of the Republic of Buryatia and IFC
METROPOL signed an agreement establishing the Republic of Buryatia
Development Corporation LLC. The agreement also covers
cooperation between the two sides within the frameworks of the
Comprehensive Trans-Baikal Development investment
- The village of Turka (Republic of Buryatia) hosted the
presentation of the Baikal Harbor (Baikalskaya Gavan) Special
Economic Tourism and Recreation Zone, whose residents include the
Putnik LLC Siberian travel agency which is part of METROPOL Group
of companies.
- IFC METROPOL was appointed the consultant and agency
responsible for restructuring a bond coupon issued by the
Nizhne-Lenskoye-Invest LLC.
- The Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the
Russian Federation staged a state reception in the Moscow Martial
Arts Center celebrating the country’s Independency Day.
METROPOL Group of сompanies provided organizational support for the
- IFC METROPOL won the Financial Elite of Russia 2009 prize in
the Reliability category
- A delegation from METROPOL Group of Companies led by M.V.
Slipenchuk visited the Democratic Republic of Congo. During the
visit, Mr. Slipenchuk met with DRC Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito
and DRC Foreign Minister Alexis Thambwe Mwamba
- Head of METROPOL Group of Companies and Chairman of the Board
of the Eurasian Business Council M.V. Slipenchuk took part in the
23rd meeting of the Inter-state Council of the Eurasian Economic
- Director General of MBC CORPORATION I.A. Okhtyrsky took part in
a working trip to Ashgabat of the delegation of the
Inter-governmental Commission on Cooperation between Russia and
- Negotiations were held between Metals of Eastern Siberia
Corporation and the Chinese state-owned corporation Cinomash
- According to a rating by RBC-Rating, based on the results of
the first quarter of 2009, OBIBANK was ranked #170 among Russia’s
largest commercial banks in terms of the net value of its
- Representatives of the Russian Accumulator of Ideas Venture
Fund took part in the 3rd Moscow Venture Forum
- The second season of International scientific research
expedition “Mir” on the Baikal” successfully started. The crews of
manned submersibles “Mir” included: Chairman of the Guardianship
Board of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal Mikhail Slipenchuk,
Director of the Baikal Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vladimir Fialkov, Deputy Director of the Shirshov Institute of
Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai
Rimsky-Korsakov, Director of the Baikal Institute of Nature Use of
the Russian Academy of Sciences Arnold Tulokhonov, pilots Yevgeni
Chernyayev and Viktor Nishcheta
- The grand opening of an exhibition titled "Baikal and the
History of the Russian Fleet: Part 2: Irkutsk and the Fleet” was
held in Irkutsk.
- A delegation from Metropol Group led by M.V. Slipenchuk took
part in a business forum held as part of Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin’s official visit to Japan. A cooperation agreement
with Nikken Sekkei Company on implementing Japanese technologies in
the sphere of energy conservation and ecology was signed, along
with an agreement with SBI Holdings Company on creating a joint
venture investment fund that will invest in Russian securities
- Metropol Group and the world’s leading hotel operator Banyan
Tree (Singapore) signed an agreement to cooperate on a project
called St. Mark’s Island
- A working meeting was held between the Head of METROPOL Group
of companies M.V. Slipenchuk and Maldives Republic President
Mohammed Nashid
- Advisor to the branch office of IFC METROPOL in Japan Kenji
Sugekawa was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun
- Corporation “Metals of Eastern Siberia” took part in an
exhibition called Subsurface Resources of Buryatia 2009
- Executives of the Corporation “Metals of Eastern Siberia” took
part in a meeting with Russia’s First Deputy Prime Minister V.A.
Zubkov devoted to expanding economic cooperation with
- METROPOL group of companies has opened up the Mining Bank of
Congo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is the first bank
in the history in Africa with 100% Russian capital.
- M.V. Slipenchuk, head of METROPOL group of companies, took part
in the work of the Congo Investment Appeal round table, timed with
the visit to Russia of Alexis Tambwe Muamba, Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Democratic Republic Congo.
- A working visit to Luxembourg by a METROPOL delegation led by
M.V. Slipenchuk took place.
- M.V. Slipenchuk, Chairman of Board of the Eurasian Business
Council took part in the EAEC Investments, Innovations, Integration
- IFC METROPOL won the Financial Olympus 2008 prize in a
nomination “Largest investment company by amount of assets in the
category “Result and success”.
- The National Rating Agency awarded Obibank an individual credit
status rating at Grade A (high credit status, third level).
- IFC METROPOL acted as a general sponsor of the Fifth Open
Championships of Russia for Kyokushin-Kan Karate-Do.
- The "Mirs" on Baikal" Expedition has been recognized as the
Event of 2008 according to results of the Siberians-2008 Internet
- On 16 March 2009, IFC METROPOL turned 14 years old.
- A delegation from METROPOL group of companies took part in
MIPIM-2009, the twentieth international real estate summit in
Cannes, during which a presentation of the “Metropolia” project
took place.
- Representatives of IFC METROPOL management and Metally
Vostochnyy Sibiri corporation took part in the work of the
Russia-Turkmenia economic forum organized within the framework of
the visit by the President of Turkmenistan to Moscow.
- IFC METROPOL has acted as the organizer of a
seminar-presentation by Gazprom for Japanese investors.
- A working meeting between M.V. Slipenchuk and Jeannot Krecke,
the Minister of Economics, Foreign Trade and Sport of Luxembourg
took place.
- Share investment funds under the control of Metropol Managing
Company were included among the leaders for profitability in the
National League of Managing Directors ranking
- Obibank Commercial Bank is offering new services to clients:
investing money resources in precious metals with the use of
depersonalized metal accounts, the storage of valuables in
individual bank safes and a system of distance bank service via
- M.V. Slipenchuk, head of METROPOL group of companies, was
awarded the “Philanthropist of 2008” prize in the Republic of
- M.V. Slipenchuk, the head of METROPOL group of companies and
candidate of geographical sciences gave a lecture entitled
“Antarctica in the eyes of the geographer” at Moscow’s Lomonosov
State University.
- METROPOL Group of Companies head M. V. Slipenchuk won the
Person of the Year 2008 award in the nomination Top Manager of the
- The President of Republic of Buryatia V.V. Nagovitsyn awarded
the Head of METROPOL Group of Companies M. V. Slipenchuk with a
medal commemorating the 85th anniversary of the formation of the
Republic of Buryatia
- The president of Republic Buryatiya V.V. Nagovitsyn awarded the
Head of METROPOL Group of companies M.V.Slipenchuk with a medal «85
years from the date of Republic Buryatiya formation»
- According to a ranking compiled by the National League of
Managing Companies, Metropol Afina’s mixed investment Open Mutual
Funds ranked first among other Open Mutual Funds according to
monthly returns
- An exhibition dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the feat
performed by the Cruiser Varyag opens in the Novy Dvor business
center under the auspices of the Charity Foundation “Cruiser
- METROPOL Group of Companies published the first issue of its
corporate magazine MetroFan
- Head of METROPOL Group of companies M. V. Slipenchuk took part
in the aircraft expedition "Antarctica-2009".
- METROPOL Group of Companies management met with a delegation
from the Japan Association of Corporate Executives.
- Mutual Funds managed by METROPOL Asset Management join the list
of earnings leaders in a ranking compiled by the National League of
Managing Companies
- Putnik Siberia LLC received the residence certificate for the
Baikal Harbor special economic tourism and recreation zone
- MBC Corporation management met with the Deputy Energy Minister
of the Russian Federation A. B. Yanovsky, and the Ambassador of
Turkmenistan to the Russian Federation K. A. Agakhanov